Tag Archives: Christmas Cookies

Nana’s Christmas Cookies – The Best in the World

About 10 years ago my Nana said that it was just getting to be too much work to make her famous Christmas cookies every year – so I took the tradition on, like a responsibility to my family. After all, it’s not Christmas morning without these crumbly butter cookies to dip in our coffee (spiked with Carolans Irish Cream).

These are NOT sugar cookies. Let me repeat: If you are in the same room with Nana Routsong, you are NOT to refer to these cookies as sugar cookies (you’ll get a tongue lashing). They’re butter cookies – savory enough for all that frosting to make sense… in fact, it’s a perfect balance of salty and sweet. You may know this type of cookie as shortbread. It’s a simple recipe, but pretty time-consuming from start-to-finish. It’s a labor of love.

These cookies are a big, big deal in my family. My mom and her brother and sister grew up (for the most part) in Traverse City, Michigan. Winters are cold and harsh in northern Michigan, but it makes Christmastime beautiful. The heavy snow outside makes indoors feel extra cozy, and baking just comes naturally. Nana had made these Christmas cookies every year since her kids were little, then, when I was a kid I would help her make them. The smell of these cookies, all frosted and sprinkled, brings all of us right back to those warm, cozy, childhood Christmases.

In my teen years, when none of us were helping her bake any longer, Nana was making them on her own, and shipping them out to her kids and grandkids in 3 different states. It just got to be too much for her to handle. These cookies are kind of a lot of work, even in my 20s, so I don’t blame Nana for throwing in the towel in her 70s. That’s when I decided to step in. Going without butter cookies on Christmas is not an option.

I make them almost exactly the same way Nana did, except I use real butter instead of margarine. Nobody in my family can actually really taste the difference, but I like the fact that butter is more natural.

The Recipe:

Nana’s Butter Cookies

  • 3 Cups sifted flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 egg unbeaten
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup margarine (I use butter)

   Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together.
   Cream margarine and sugar together thoroughly. Add egg and vanilla. Beat until fluffy.
   Gradually stir in sifted dry ingredients until well blended (will be the consistency of Play-Doh).
   Roll small amount of dough 1/8″ thick on a lightly floured board. Shape with cookie cutters as desired.
   Place on ungreased baking sheet (I use parchment paper) at 350° until delicately browned (about 8-11 minutes).

As I am pulling them out of the oven, I lay them out on my kitchen table which I first cover with wax paper. You have to let them cool flat, and they must be completely cooled prior to decorating or the heat will melt the frosting. When it comes to frosting, the basics work best, and nothing “fancy” tastes the same as the ones Nana used to make.

I use Pillsbury plain white (or plain vanilla) frosting as my base. Whipped frosting does not harden properly, and your decorations will smear everywhere when you stack them (we learned from experience). Similarly, you can’t use decorating gel, or the frosting in the aerosol cans. They are easier to use, but the colors tend to bleed, and also smear. Just use the standard icing, in any colors you choose – and lots of different kinds of sprinkles!

Get creative – Each cookie is like an art project, so have fun!